However, Whatever, Whichever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever: How To Use Them?


In the vast landscape of English vocabulary, there are certain words that add a touch of versatility and flexibility to your sentences. Among these are “However, Whatever, Whichever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever.” Though they might seem tricky at first, mastering their usage can greatly enhance your fluency and expression in English as an Additional Language (EAL).

However, Whatever, Whichever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever: How To Use Them?

Let’s delve into the meanings and uses of each of these words.


Meaning: “However” is an adverb that introduces a contrast or contradiction to what has already been said.


  1. I wanted to go to the party; however, I had too much work to do.
  2. The weather forecast predicted rain; however, it turned out to be a sunny day.
  3. She is talented; however, she lacks confidence in herself.
  4. The restaurant was expensive; however, the food was delicious.
  5. We expected him to be late; however, he arrived early.


Meaning: “Whatever” is a pronoun used to refer to anything or everything without restriction.


  1. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.
  2. She can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight.
  3. You can choose whatever color you like for the room.
  4. He does whatever he pleases without considering the consequences.
  5. Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.


Meaning: “Whichever” is a pronoun used to refer to any one out of a group of things or people.


  1. You can take whichever book you want from the shelf.
  2. Whichever route you choose, it will lead you to the same destination.
  3. Whichever movie you pick, I’m sure we’ll enjoy it.
  4. Whichever candidate wins the election will have a challenging task ahead.
  5. You can use whichever pen is available on the desk.


Meaning: “Whenever” is an adverb used to refer to any time or every time.


  1. Whenever I see him, he’s always smiling.
  2. You can call me whenever you need help.
  3. Whenever it rains, the streets flood.
  4. Whenever she cooks, the whole house smells delicious.
  5. I feel nostalgic whenever I visit my childhood home.


Meaning: “Wherever” is an adverb used to refer to any place or every place.


  1. Wherever you go, I’ll follow.
  2. She can find beauty wherever she looks.
  3. Wherever there’s a problem, there’s an opportunity.
  4. Wherever you choose to live, make it feel like home.
  5. I’ll be there wherever you need me.


Meaning: “Whoever” is a pronoun used to refer to any person or every person.


  1. Whoever finishes first can have the last slice of cake.
  2. Whoever left their jacket here, please come pick it up.
  3. I’ll support whoever you choose to be with.
  4. Whoever finds the key, please return it to the reception.
  5. Whoever said that must be mistaken.

Mastering these words can significantly enrich your English conversations and writing. Practice using them in various contexts to become more comfortable with their usage. Whether it’s however, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, or whoever, these words offer endless possibilities for expression in the English language.

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