Daily routine in English [complete list + example sentences]

Do you want to learn how to talk about your daily routine in English? Here’s a COMPLETE list with example sentences!

Daily routine in English

If you’re an English as an additional language learner, being able to talk about your daily routine in English is essential to get other people to know you better. While there may be many routine activities that we all do such as brushing our teeth, going to school/work, and watching tv, other daily activities can tell a lot about our personalities. Imagine you get to know someone who likes watching comedies at home on weekends, and someone who likes going to nightclubs on Fridays and Saturdays. It’s not difficult to see that while the former is more laid-back, the latter is more of a party animal. Daily routine activities can reflect much about our personalities. Learn how to talk about every single daily routine activity in English below!

Daily routine activities in English



wake up

I don’t wanna wake up.

get up

I need to get up now. I’m late.

take a shower (or have a shower)

I always take a shower before going to bed.

take a bath (or have a bath)

I love taking a bath. It’s so relaxing!

comb your hair

I don’t usually comb my hair.

brush your hair

I brush my hair every day.

blow dry my hair

I always blow dry my hair because it’s long.

do your hair

I don’t have time to do my hair every day.

put makeup on

I don’t go out before I put make-up on.

get dressed

It usually takes me only 10 minutes to get dressed.

make breakfast

I like to make my own breakfast.

have breakfast (or eat breakfast)

I have breakfast every single day.

brush your teeth

I brush my teeth at least three times a day.

study English

I study English in the evenings.

go to school

I always go to school by bus.

go to work

I drive to work.

start work

I start work at 9 a.m.

finish work

I finish work at 5 p.m.

go home

I go home by train.

arrive home

I arrive home late.

have lunch (or eat lunch)

I have lunch at 1 p.m.

have dinner (or eat dinner)

I have dinner with my family.

wash the dishes (or do the dishes)

I never wash the dishes.

cook lunch/dinner

I cook lunch/dinner on weekends.

read a book

I read a book before going to bed.

watch tv

I watch tv in the evenings.

chill out

I sometimes chill out on the couch.

feed the dog

I feed my dog twice a day.

walk the dog

I walk my dog every day.

clean the house

I clean the house twice a month.

do the housework

I do the housework in the afternoons.

go to bed

I need to go to bed. It’s late and I wake up early tomorrow.

fall asleep

When I go to bed, I fall asleep very quickly.

go out with friends

I go out with my friends on the weekends.

hang out with friends

I always hang out with my friends.

play with friends

When I was a kid, I used to play with my friends all day.

play video games

I love playing video games.

play cards

I sometimes play cards with my family.

play soccer/football/volleyball

I usually play soccer/football/volleyball with my classmates at school.


I exercise in the evenings.

go to the gym

I usually go to the gym in the mornings.

go jogging

I don’t go jogging.

go running

I go running every single day.

go shopping

I sometimes go shopping for clothes during the week.

go grocery shopping

I usually go grocery shopping on Saturdays.

go for a walk

I like to go for a walk in the park near my house.

go to the supermarket

I don’t like going to the supermarket.

go to the shopping mall

I love going to the mall when I need new clothes.

take out the trash (or take the rubbish out)

I take out the trash every day after cooking dinner.

read the newspaper

I usually read the newspaper online.

surf the internet

I surf the internet every day.

call (someone)

I need to call my mother later.

do the gardening

I don’t usually do the gardening.

water the plants

I water the plants every morning.

listen to music

I listen to music all the time.


When I’m stressed out, I like to stop everything and relax.

do the laundry

I do the laundry once a week.

hang out the laundry

After doing the laundry, I hang out the laundry outside.

fold laundry

When everything is dry, I fold laundry.

iron the clothes

After that, I iron the clothes.

put away the clothes

And finally, I put away the clothes.

take a taxi

I don’t usually take a taxi. It’s too expensive.

get into your pajamas/pyjamas

I love the feeling of getting into my pajamas to go to bed.

set the alarm

I always set the alarm for 7.30 a.m.

press the snooze button

Sometimes, I press the snooze button and sleep a little bit more.

turn off the alarm

I finally get up after turning off the alarm.

go to the bathroom

I go to the bathroom first thing in the morning.

take your medication

I usually eat something before taking my medication.

lock the door

Before going to bed, I lock the door.

turn on the lights

When it gets dark, I turn on the lights.

turn off the lights

When it gets light, I turn off the lights.

drive to work

I don’t usually drive to work.

take a bus

I usually take a bus to go to work.

take the subway

Sometimes, I take the subway to go around the city.

take a train

I never take the train.

have a meeting

I have a meeting at work once a month.

check your emails

I check my emails about three times a day.

answer your emails

I usually answer my emails right after reading them.

write emails

I write emails when the situation is not urgent.

work on your computer

I work on my computer all day.

drink coffee

I drink coffee about three times a day.

drink tea

I never drink tea. I don’t like it.

drink water

I drink a lot of water every day. I’m very hydrated.

write a report

I write a report once a month.

make phone calls

I don’t usually make phone calls. I usually text people.

text your friend

I text my family and friends every day.

go to church

I go to church on Sundays.

wash the car

I never wash the car because I don’t have one.

go to parks

I love going to parks.

go to the movies (or go to the cinema)

I seldom go to the movies.

go to the theater

I frequently go to the theater.

charge my phone

I charge my phone twice a day. I use it a lot.

charge my laptop

I also charge my laptop twice a day. I spend all day working and string on it.


When I’m extremely stressed out, I meditate. Everything gets better.

An example of a text about daily routine activities

During the week, I always wake up at 7.30 a.m. The first thing I do is turn off the alarm on my cell phone. After that, I quickly check my social media and my email inbox. Then, I get up, have breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed, and comb my hair. I start work at 8 a.m. I can wake up at 7.30 a.m. because I work and study from home. When I’m ready to start work, I turn on my laptop. I teach English classes and study all day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. I only stop working and studying to have lunch at about 2 p.m. In the evenings, after finishing everything I have to do, I go running in a park near my house. It’s my time to relax! I love listening to music or podcasts when I’m running. When I come back home, I usually watch some tv shows, have dinner, take a shower, brush my teeth, get into my pajamas, and finally go to bed. I set the alarm for 7.30 a.m. The next day, I start everything again.

On the weekends, however, I don’t work or study. I usually wake up late, talk to my family and my friends, watch tv shows, play video games, and read books. Sometimes, I eat out. I love Japanese food, so I choose a new Japanese restaurant to try the food there. I also love going to the theater, museums, the mall, or to the movies, too. Sometimes, I go out with my friends in the evening. There’s nothing to worry about because I don’t have a specific time to go to bed on Fridays and Saturdays!

Here’s a challenge

Can you think of one more daily routine activity in English? If so, write it in the comments section below!

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