How to Describe a Person in English


Learning how to describe a person in English is an essential part of communication in this language. Whether you are writing a story or describing someone in conversation, it is important to have the vocabulary and grammar to convey a clear and accurate description. In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of describing people, including physical appearance, personality traits, and behavior.

How to Describe a Person in English

How to Describe a People’s Physical Appearance

When describing someone’s physical appearance, it is important to start with the basics such as height, weight, age, and gender. From there, you can move on to more specific details such as hair color, eye color, and facial features. Here are some useful adjectives for describing physical appearance:

  • Height: tall, short, medium-height
  • Weight: thin, slim, average, overweight, obese
  • Age: young, middle-aged, old, elderly
  • Gender: male, female
  • Hair: straight, wavy, curly, frizzy, long, short, medium-length, bald, dyed
  • Eyes: blue, green, brown, hazel, grey
  • Facial features: round, oval, square, angular, high-cheekbones, prominent chin, thin lips, full lips, sharp nose, small nose, etc.


  • She is a tall, slim woman with long, curly brown hair and green eyes.
  • He is a middle-aged man with a round face, a prominent chin, and short, straight black hair.
  • They are two young girls, one with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other with short curly black hair and brown eyes.

How to Describe People’s Personality Traits

Describing someone’s personality is just as important as their physical appearance. It gives a better understanding of who they are as a person and how they behave in different situations. Here are some useful adjectives for describing personality traits:

  • Positive traits: kind, caring, friendly, outgoing, confident, honest, reliable, intelligent, creative, ambitious, etc.
  • Negative traits: selfish, lazy, rude, mean, aggressive, dishonest, unreliable, ignorant, manipulative, etc.


  • She is a kind and caring person who always puts others first.
  • He is a creative and ambitious entrepreneur who has started several successful businesses.
  • They are rude and mean to everyone around them, which makes it hard to be their friend.

How to Describe People’s Personality Traits Behavior

Describing someone’s behavior is also important when trying to paint a picture of who they are as a person. Here are some useful adjectives for describing behavior:

  • Positive behavior: helpful, supportive, respectful, polite, cheerful, considerate, responsible, etc.
  • Negative behavior: rude, mean, aggressive, selfish, irresponsible, lazy, unreliable, etc.


  • She is always helpful and supportive, especially when her friends need it most.
  • He can be rude and aggressive when he doesn’t get his way, which can be intimidating.
  • They are lazy and irresponsible, always making excuses for why they can’t do something.

Putting it all together:

When describing a person in English, it is important to use a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures to create a clear and accurate picture of who they are. Here is an example of a complete description of a person:

“Anna is a tall, slim woman with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a kind and caring person who always puts others first. Anna is also very intelligent and creative, which makes her successful in her career as a graphic designer. Her behavior is always helpful and supportive, especially when her friends need it most.”

In conclusion, describing people in English requires a combination of vocabulary and grammar structures to create a complete and accurate picture of who they are as a person. By using the examples and adjectives above, ESL learners can become more confident in their ability to describe people in English.

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