Will vs Be Going To: The Ultimate Guide You Need!

Understanding and correctly using future tenses is a crucial aspect of English language learning. Two commonly used future tenses are “will vs be going to.” In this article, we’ll break down these two tenses, explore their differences, and provide examples and exercises to help English as an additional language learners master them.

Will (Simple Future)

Will is used to express spontaneous decisions, predictions, promises, and offers. It’s often used for actions that are not planned or arranged in advance.

Example Sentences with “Will”:

  1. I will call you later.
  2. She will probably arrive by 6 PM.
  3. He will help you with your homework.
  4. They will visit us next weekend.
  5. I promise I will never forget your birthday.

Be Going To (Near Future)

Be going to is used to talk about future plans, intentions, and events that are already decided or expected to happen.

Example Sentences with “Be Going To”:

  1. We are going to have dinner at that new restaurant tonight.
  2. She is going to study abroad next year.
  3. They are going to buy a new car soon.
  4. He is going to meet his friends later.
  5. It looks like it‘s going to rain.

Differences Between “Will” and “Be Going To”

  1. Spontaneity vs. Plan:

    • Will: Used for spontaneous decisions or predictions.
    • Be Going To: Used for planned actions or intentions.
  2. Certainty vs. Probability:

    • Will: Used when something is uncertain or based on personal opinion.
    • Be Going To: Used when there is strong evidence or intention.
  3. Promises and Offers:

    • Will: Used for promises and offers.
    • Be Going To: Used less frequently for promises and offers.

Will vs Be Going To: Examples

Will (Simple Future):

  1. She will attend the conference next week.
  2. I will call you when I arrive.
  3. He will probably win the competition.
  4. They will probably travel to Europe next summer.
  5. Will you help me with my homework, please?
  6. I promise I will visit you soon.
  7. It will rain later, so take an umbrella.
  8. He will pass the exam with flying colors.
  9. Will they come to the party if they’re invited?
  10. I will see a movie tonight.

Be Going To (Near Future):

  1. We are going to the beach this weekend.
  2. She is going to start a new job next month.
  3. They are going to buy a new car soon.
  4. He is going to meet his friends at the café.
  5. It looks like it‘s going to snow tomorrow.
  6. We are going to have pizza for dinner.
  7. She‘s going to visit her grandparents this summer.
  8. They are going to paint the house next week.
  9. Are you going to attend the concert on Saturday?
  10. I‘m going to study all night for the exam.

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