Text Abbreviations Used On The Internet in 2025

text abbreviations - Speak English by Yourself

It doesn’t matter whether you are a teenager or an adult. It doesn’t matter whether you speak English as your mother tongue or as an additional language. You have already seen text abbreviations on the internet and had to look them up to find out what their meanings were.

The style of the informal language we use on the internet is very different from the style we use in formal writing.

Because of that, we came up with this list of the most common text abbreviations used on the internet in 2025. After studying it for a while, you’ll never have to look them up anymore. Besides, you’ll be able to impress your friends by using these text abbreviations when you text them.

2nit tonight
AFAIK as far as I know
AKA also known as
AMA ask me anything
ASAP as soon as possible
ASL age, sex, and location
B4 before
B4N bye for now
BBL be back later
BC because
BDAY birthday
BF best friend
BFF best friend forever
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
CY see you
CYA see you
CYL see you later
DIKY do I know you?
DIY do it yourself
DM direct message
EOD end of day
F2F face to face
FWIW for what it’s worth
G2G got to go
GF girlfriend
GOAT greatest of all time
GR8 great
HBU how about you?
HMU hit me up
HTH hope that helps
ICYMI in case you missed it
IDC I don’t care
IDK I don’t know
IIRC if I remember correctly
IKR I know, right
ILU I love you
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IRL in real life
ISTG I swear to god
JIC just in case
JK just kidding
KMN kill me now
LMFAO laughing my fucking ass off
LMGTFY let me Google that for you
LMK let me know
LOL laughing out loud
NBD no big deal
NP no problem
NVM never mind
OFC of course
OMG oh my god
OMW on my way
OOTD outfit of the day
OTOH on the other hand
QOTD quote of the day
R are
RN right now
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SFLR sorry for late reply
SMH shaking my head
STFU shut the f*** up
TBA to be announced
TBD to be determined
TBF to be fair
TBH to be honest
TGIF thank goodness/god it’s Friday
THX thanks
TIA thanks in advance
TLDR too long, didn’t read
TMI too much information
TTYL talk to you later
TY thank you
TYSM thank you so much
TYT take your time
U you
U2 you too
WDYM what do you mean?
YGTI you get the idea
YOLO you only live once
YP yes, please
YW you’re welcome


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