Simple Present Tense: Examples

simple present tense examples

If you’re an English learner, you have to master some basic verb tenses to use this language appropriately in different daily situations. Among these tenses is the present simple (or present simple) tense. This tense is extremely important and is usually the first verb tense you study as an English learner. This article will lead you into mastering the use of the present simple. Keep reading this post to check a lot of simple present tense examples in English! If you want to know more about this verb tense, check out our amazing articles:

What is the Simple Present Tense?

The present simple tense (or simple present tense) is one of the most common verb tenses in English. The present simple, as its name implies, refers to activities that take place in the present, rather than in the past or in the future.

What Are the 3 Uses of the Present Simple Tense?

The simple present tense in English is a verb tense generally used to express routine, facts, and general truths. If you’re not sure about the difference between these ideas, keep reading!

What is an Example of a Simple Present Sentence?

An example of a simple present tense is “I usually watch TV in the evening”.

How to Form the Simple Present Tense?

To form the simply present tense, you simple have to use the base form of the verb (infinitive without ‘to’) with the following pronouns: I, you, we, and they. With he, she, and it, use the base form of the verb + s, +es, or +ies.

For example:

  • I read a lot of books.
  • You read a lot of books.
  • He reads a lot of books.
  • She reads a lot of books.
  • It reads a lot of books.
  • We read a lot of books.
  • They read a lot of books.

Most verbs take +s in their third person singular form. However, for verbs that end in –ch, –sh,x, and –s, add +es. For verbs that end in consonant + y, delete y and add +ies.

Examples are:

play > plays

watch > watches

wash > washes

fix > fixes

kiss > kisses

cry > cries

When to Use the Simple Present Tense?

We frequently use the simple present tense in English to express routine activities, facts, and general truths.

An example of using the simple present to express a routine activity is: I start work at 8 a.m.

An example of using the simple present to express a fact is: São Paulo is a city in Brazil.

An example of using the simple present to express a general truth is: The Earth goes around the sun.

Simple Present Tense: Examples

Below you can find examples of the present simple tense used to express routine activities, facts, and general truths. Such as:

  1. Routine activity: I go to school from Monday to Friday.
  2. Fact: The Earth is round.
  3. General truth: Water freezes at 0 degree Celsius.

Present Simple Tense Sentences Used to Express Routine Activities

Here are 50 simple present tense examples to express routines:

  1. I wake up early every day to exercise.
  2. You brush your teeth before you have breakfast.
  3. He drinks coffee every morning to start his day.
  4. She packs her lunch before leaving for work.
  5. It eats breakfast before starting work.
  6. We take the dog for a walk every evening.
  7. You (plural) have dinner together as a family.
  8. They watch TV before going to bed.
  9. I always have a cup of tea before bed.
  10. You prefer to shower in the morning.
  11. He likes to read the news before starting work.
  12. She listens to music on her commute to work.
  13. It takes a nap in the afternoon.
  14. We go to the gym together after work.
  15. You (plural) make dinner together every night.
  16. They clean the house every weekend.
  17. I meditate for 10 minutes every day.
  18. You go for a run in the morning.
  19. He takes the bus to work every day.
  20. She packs her bag the night before.
  21. It drinks water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  22. We watch a movie together every Friday night.
  23. You (plural) like to sleep in on weekends.
  24. They listen to podcasts during their commute.
  25. I walk to work every day.
  26. You study for an hour every night.
  27. He likes to take a walk during his lunch break.
  28. She calls her parents every Sunday.
  29. It likes to play with toys in the morning.
  30. We enjoy a cup of coffee together in the morning.
  31. You (plural) clean the kitchen after dinner.
  32. They go shopping every Saturday.
  33. I cook dinner for myself every night.
  34. You watch TV before bed.
  35. He likes to go for a bike ride on weekends.
  36. She takes a yoga class every Tuesday.
  37. It likes to chase its tail in the morning.
  38. We visit friends and family on weekends.
  39. You (plural) have a game night every Saturday.
  40. They read a book before going to bed.
  41. I listen to music while I work.
  42. You take the train to work every day.
  43. He eats a salad for lunch every day.
  44. She watches the news every morning.
  45. It plays with its favorite toy in the afternoon.
  46. We plan our meals for the week on Sundays.
  47. You (plural) go for a hike on weekends.
  48. They work on a puzzle together in the evenings.
  49. I go to the library to study.
  50. You like to read before bed.

Present Simple Tense Sentences Used to Express Facts

Here are 50 simple present tense examples to express facts:

  1. I live in a small town in the countryside.
  2. You enjoy watching movies in your free time.
  3. He speaks three languages fluently.
  4. She is a talented musician.
  5. It is a common misconception that dogs are colorblind.
  6. We love to travel and explore new places.
  7. You (plural) prefer to read books instead of watching TV.
  8. They are both teachers at the same school.
  9. I work as a software developer.
  10. You are allergic to peanuts.
  11. He enjoys playing video games in his free time.
  12. She has a degree in psychology.
  13. It is a fact that the earth is round.
  14. We are married.
  15. You (plural) have a pet cat and a dog.
  16. They are both avid hikers and outdoor enthusiasts.
  17. I enjoy skydiving.
  18. You have a passion for photography.
  19. He enjoys playing tennis on the weekends.
  20. She is a vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat.
  21. It is important to exercise regularly to stay healthy.
  22. We enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.
  23. You (plural) like to go to the beach in the summer.
  24. They are friends.
  25. I am a morning person and enjoy waking up early.
  26. You are a talented artist.
  27. He is an expert in computer programming.
  28. She loves to write and has published several books.
  29. It is a well-known fact that the sun is a star.
  30. We are both avid cyclists.
  31. You (plural) prefer to drink tea instead of coffee.
  32. They are both environmental activists and advocates for sustainability.
  33. I enjoy playing the piano in my free time.
  34. You have a fear of flying.
  35. He is an animal lover and has several pets.
  36. She is a skilled chef and runs her own restaurant.
  37. It is important to get enough sleep to be productive.
  38. We are both avid readers and love to learn new things.
  39. You (plural) are both avid travelers and have been to many countries.
  40. They are both passionate about social justice and advocacy.
  41. I have a fear of spiders.
  42. You have a talent for public speaking.
  43. He is a talented athlete and has won several awards.
  44. She is an expert in financial planning and management.
  45. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking enough water.
  46. We enjoy hiking in the mountains and exploring new trails.
  47. You (plural) like to go to concerts and music festivals.
  48. They are both passionate about animal welfare and rights.
  49. I enjoy painting and drawing in my free time.
  50. You have a talent for writing and have published several articles.

Present Simple Tense Sentences Used to Express General Truths

Here are 50 simple present tense examples to express general truths:

  1. I believe that honesty is the best policy.
  2. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.
  3. He who hesitates is lost.
  4. She is always there for her friends when they need her.
  5. It never hurts to be kind to others.
  6. We all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses.
  7. You (plural) can achieve anything you set your mind to.
  8. They say that laughter is the best medicine.
  9. I think that hard work pays off in the end.
  10. You should always treat others the way you want to be treated.
  11. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
  12. She always tries to see the best in people.
  13. It is important to be true to yourself.
  14. We are all capable of making a difference in the world.
  15. You (plural) can always find something to be grateful for.
  16. They say that time heals all wounds.
  17. I believe that actions speak louder than words.
  18. You never know what tomorrow may bring.
  19. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
  20. She always stands up for what she believes in.
  21. It is important to take care of your mental health.
  22. We are all connected and have a responsibility to each other.
  23. You (plural) should always be open to learning and growing.
  24. They say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
  25. I think that love is the most powerful force in the universe.
  26. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  27. He who seeks shall find.
  28. She always tries to find the positive in every situation.
  29. It is important to take care of your physical health.
  30. We are all in this together.
  31. You (plural) can make a difference in someone’s life with a small act of kindness.
  32. They say that the truth will set you free.
  33. I believe that everything happens for a reason.
  34. You should never give up on your dreams.
  35. He who is patient, reaps the rewards.
  36. She always tries to be a good listener.
  37. It is important to have a support system.
  38. We are all a work in progress.
  39. You (plural) can find joy in the simple things in life.
  40. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  41. I think that laughter is contagious.
  42. You can’t please everyone, so focus on being true to yourself.
  43. He who is grateful for what he has, has everything he needs.
  44. She always tries to be a source of positivity in the world.
  45. It is important to take care of the environment.
  46. We all have the power to create change.
  47. You (plural) can learn something from everyone you meet.
  48. They say that life is what you make it.
  49. I believe that happiness is a choice.
  50. You should always be true to your word.

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