Phrasal Verbs with Up and Down You Must Know!

Learning phrasal verbs can be challenging for English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners, but they are essential for mastering English fluency. Phrasal verbs often combine a verb with a preposition or adverb, changing the verb’s meaning in significant ways. This article will introduce you to 20 common phrasal verbs with up and down, along with their meanings and example sentences.

Phrasal Verbs with Up and Down You Must Know!

Let’s dive in!

Phrasal Verbs with “Up”

  1. Wake up
    • Meaning: To stop sleeping and become awake.
    • Example: I wake up at 6 AM every day.
  2. Pick up
    • Meaning: To lift something from a lower position.
    • Example: Can you pick up that book for me?
  3. Set up
    • Meaning: To arrange or prepare something.
    • Example: They set up the room for the meeting.
  4. Give up
    • Meaning: To stop trying or surrender.
    • Example: Don’t give up, you can do it!
  5. Look up
    • Meaning: To search for information.
    • Example: I need to look up the address of the restaurant.
  6. Turn up
    • Meaning: To increase the volume.
    • Example: Could you turn up the music, please?
  7. Make up
    • Meaning: To invent a story or lie.
    • Example: She made up a funny story to entertain the kids.
  8. Clean up
    • Meaning: To tidy or organize.
    • Example: Please clean up your room before you go out.
  9. Bring up
    • Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic.
    • Example: He brought up the issue during the meeting.
  10. Catch up
    • Meaning: To reach the same level or standard as someone.
    • Example: I need to catch up on my homework.
  11. Stand up
    • Meaning: To rise to a standing position.
    • Example: Everyone stood up when the teacher entered.
  12. Grow up
    • Meaning: To become older or more mature.
    • Example: When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.
  13. Fill up
    • Meaning: To make something full.
    • Example: Can you fill up the tank with gas?
  14. Hold up
    • Meaning: To delay or cause a wait.
    • Example: Traffic is holding us up.
  15. Split up
    • Meaning: To separate or divide.
    • Example: They decided to split up the group for the project.
  16. Shut up
    • Meaning: To stop talking.
    • Example: She told him to shut up during the movie.
  17. Warm up
    • Meaning: To prepare for physical activity by exercising gently.
    • Example: It’s important to warm up before running.
  18. Cheer up
    • Meaning: To become happier.
    • Example: Cheer up! Things will get better.
  19. End up
    • Meaning: To eventually reach a conclusion or situation.
    • Example: We ended up staying at home because of the rain.
  20. Take up
    • Meaning: To start doing a new activity.
    • Example: I’ve taken up painting as a hobby.

Phrasal Verbs with “Down”

  1. Sit down
    • Meaning: To take a seat.
    • Example: Please sit down and make yourself comfortable.
  2. Calm down
    • Meaning: To become less agitated or excited.
    • Example: She took a few deep breaths to calm down.
  3. Break down
    • Meaning: To stop working (usually referring to machinery).
    • Example: My car broke down on the way to work.
  4. Write down
    • Meaning: To record information on paper.
    • Example: I’ll write down the address for you.
  5. Turn down
    • Meaning: To decrease the volume or reject something.
    • Example: Please turn down the music. / She turned down the job offer.
  6. Bring down
    • Meaning: To make someone feel sad or depressed.
    • Example: The news really brought me down.
  7. Cut down
    • Meaning: To reduce in size or amount.
    • Example: I’m trying to cut down on sugar.
  8. Fall down
    • Meaning: To drop to the ground.
    • Example: Be careful not to fall down the stairs.
  9. Slow down
    • Meaning: To decrease speed.
    • Example: You need to slow down when driving through a school zone.
  10. Put down
    • Meaning: To place something on a surface or to criticize.
    • Example: He put down the book. / Stop putting yourself down.
  11. Get down
    • Meaning: To descend or lower oneself.
    • Example: Get down from that tree!
  12. Tear down
    • Meaning: To demolish or destroy.
    • Example: They plan to tear down the old building.
  13. Let down
    • Meaning: To disappoint someone.
    • Example: I don’t want to let you down, but I can’t come to the party.
  14. Track down
    • Meaning: To find someone or something after a long search.
    • Example: The detective tracked down the suspect.
  15. Knock down
    • Meaning: To hit and cause to fall.
    • Example: The wind was strong enough to knock down trees.
  16. Look down on
    • Meaning: To regard with disdain or contempt.
    • Example: It’s not right to look down on others.
  17. Cut down on
    • Meaning: To reduce the consumption of something.
    • Example: I’m trying to cut down on coffee.
  18. Shut down or Close down
    • Meaning: To close or stop operating.
    • Example: The factory will shut down next month.
  19. Break down (emotionally)
    • Meaning: To lose control of emotions.
    • Example: She broke down in tears after hearing the news.
  20. Hand down
    • Meaning: To pass something from one generation to another.
    • Example: This watch was handed down to me by my grandfather.

Mastering these phrasal verbs will greatly enhance your understanding and use of English. Practice them in sentences, and soon they will become a natural part of your vocabulary. Happy learning!

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