Phrasal Verbs with In and Out

Phrasal Verbs with “In” and “Out”

Phrasal verbs are essential in English, often perplexing English as an Additional Language (EAL) students. Mastering them can significantly boost your fluency. Here, we explore 20 common phrasal verbs with in and out, providing their meanings and examples to help you grasp their usage better.

Phrasal Verbs with “In”

1. Break in

Meaning: To enter a place forcibly or illegally. Example:

  • The burglars tried to break in through the back door last night.

2. Fill in

Meaning: To complete a form or document. Example:

  • Please fill in this application form and submit it by Friday.

3. Give in

Meaning: To surrender or yield. Example:

  • After hours of negotiation, he finally gave in to their demands.

4. Check in

Meaning: To register at a hotel or airport. Example:

  • We checked in at the hotel around 3 PM.

5. Drop in

Meaning: To visit informally or unexpectedly. Example:

  • Why don’t you drop in for a coffee sometime?

6. Get in

Meaning: To enter a place or vehicle. Example:

  • The taxi was waiting for us, so we quickly got in.

7. Join in

Meaning: To participate. Example:

  • Everyone was singing, so I decided to join in.

8. Log in

Meaning: To access a computer system or website by entering your username and password. Example:

  • You need to log in to your account to view your messages.

9. Move in

Meaning: To start living in a new home. Example:

  • We’re moving in next week.

10. Take in

Meaning: To understand or absorb information. Example:

  • It was a lot of information to take in all at once.

11. Pull in

Meaning: To arrive at a destination. Example:

  • The train pulled in right on time.

12. Settle in

Meaning: To become comfortable in a new place. Example:

  • It took a few days to settle in at the new office.

13. Bring in

Meaning: To introduce or import. Example:

  • The company decided to bring in new technology to improve efficiency.

14. Cut in

Meaning: To interrupt someone. Example:

  • He cut in while I was speaking.

15. Pitch in

Meaning: To contribute or help. Example:

  • Everyone pitched in to help clean up after the party.

16. Pop in

Meaning: To visit briefly. Example:

  • I just popped in to see how you were doing.

17. Step in

Meaning: To intervene. Example:

  • The teacher had to step in to stop the fight.

18. Lock in

Meaning: To secure something. Example:

  • We need to lock in the interest rate before it goes up.

19. Tune in

Meaning: To watch or listen to a broadcast. Example:

  • Tune in at 8 PM for the live show.

20. Check in on

Meaning: To look in on someone or something to see if they are okay. Example:

  • Can you check in on the kids while I’m out?

Phrasal Verbs with “Out”

1. Break out

Meaning: To escape. Example:

  • Several prisoners broke out of jail last night.

2. Find out

Meaning: To discover information. Example:

  • I just found out that they are moving to Canada.

3. Run out

Meaning: To use up all of something. Example:

  • We’ve run out of milk. Can you buy some on your way home?

4. Drop out

Meaning: To leave school or a course before finishing it. Example:

  • He dropped out of college to start his own business.

5. Figure out

Meaning: To understand or solve something. Example:

  • It took me a while to figure out how to use the new software.

6. Turn out

Meaning: To happen or end in a particular way. Example:

  • It turned out that she was right all along.

7. Back out

Meaning: To decide not to do something you agreed to do. Example:

  • He backed out of the deal at the last minute.

8. Put out

Meaning: To extinguish a fire. Example:

  • The firefighters managed to put out the fire quickly.

9. Call out

Meaning: To challenge someone to a duel or contest. Example:

  • He called out his rival for a rematch.

10. Carry out

Meaning: To complete or perform a task. Example:

  • The scientists carried out the experiment successfully.

11. Go out

Meaning: To leave home for social activities. Example:

  • We’re going out for dinner tonight.

12. Hand out

Meaning: To distribute. Example:

  • They handed out flyers for the event.

13. Point out

Meaning: To indicate or draw attention to something. Example:

  • She pointed out the mistake in the report.

14. Stand out

Meaning: To be noticeable or distinctive. Example:

  • His bright red shirt made him stand out in the crowd.

15. Wear out

Meaning: To become unusable due to overuse. Example:

  • My shoes have worn out after all this walking.

16. Work out

Meaning: To exercise. Example:

  • I work out at the gym every morning. Meaning: To find a solution. Example:
  • We need to work out a plan for the project.

17. Check out

Meaning: To examine or inspect. Example:

  • Check out this new restaurant; it’s fantastic.

18. Close out

Meaning: To bring something to an end. Example:

  • They closed out the game with a final goal.

19. Pass out

Meaning: To faint or lose consciousness. Example:

  • He passed out from the heat.

20. Cross out

Meaning: To draw a line through something written. Example:

  • Please cross out the incorrect answers.

By familiarizing yourself with these common phrasal verbs and practicing their use in sentences, you’ll find it easier to understand and communicate in English. Try to incorporate them into your daily conversations and writing to reinforce your learning. Happy studying!

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