Do you know the differences between ‘Mr.’, ‘Miss’, ‘Mrs.’ and ‘Ms.’? These words are called ‘titles’. They are used to address someone. They are used with the last name of the person you are talking to, for example: Mr. Smith; Mrs. Williams; Miss Johnsons; or Ms. Miller. Knowing the difference between ‘Mr.’, ‘Miss’, ‘Mrs.’ and […]
10 Best Tips To Improve Your Spoken English
If you are here, chances are that you can understand most things you hear and read. You can write well, too. But when it comes to speaking fluently, things get a little complicated, right? Here you have a list of the best things you can do to improve your spoken English and start talking to […]
Modal Verbs: The Only Guide You Need!
Modal verbs are used to express modality. Modality is the speaker’s attitude towards a specific situation. Examples of these attitudes are: ability, certainty, obligation, possibility, impossibility, advice, permission, prohibition, invitations, offers, and requests. Here are the most common modal verbs: can could may might shall should will would must ought to and had better* * […]
What’s The Difference Between ‘Mass’ And ‘Weight’?
Do you know the difference between ‘mass’ and ‘weight’? Although people often use these terms interchangeably, they are different concepts. Even though this post does not intend to explain this difference from the point of view of physics (we are not a physics blog after all), knowing how to use these words correctly is important! […]
Prepositions Of Place: The Definitive Guide!
Prepositions of place are short words that usually cause trouble to many people. When to use in? What about on? Well, keep reading and find that out! ABOVE in extended space over and not touching; at a higher level or layer than The picture is hung above the bed IN FRONT OF in a position […]