British vs. American English Vocabulary

British vs. American English Vocabulary

Looking for differences between British vs American English Vocabulary? You’ll find everything you need here! Every language has its differences. Some of them are in the way people pronounce words, some are in how people structure sentences, and some are in the words they use to refer to the same thing. These differences are even […]

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How To Improve Your Vocabulary In English

How to improve your vocabulary - Speak English by yourself

You’ve been learning English for some time. You feel you can talk to people when it comes to familiar topics in everyday conversation. You are proud of your grammar because you’ve studied it a lot and you can express yourself accurately by using varied grammar structures. There’s one aspect that’s been bothering you, though. You […]

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10 Idioms And Their Meanings (With Sentences)

10 idioms and their meanings with sentences - Speak English by yourself

Have you ever heard the word idiom? Do you know what it means? If so, awesome! Idioms are important in everyday, informal conversation. If not, keep reading and you’ll learn 10 idioms and their meanings with sentences! WHAT IDIOMS ARE Idioms are phrases or sentences composed of words that are not meant to be taken […]

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