Could, Was Able to, Managed to: Exercises

could was able to managed to exercises

Understanding the differences between “could,” “was able to,” and “managed to” is important for expressing ability, possibility, and success in English. “Could, Was Able to, Managed to: Exercises” will help you practice using these expressions correctly in different contexts. Remember, “could” is used for general ability in the past, “was able to” can refer to specific instances of success or general ability, and “managed to” is used to emphasize achieving something despite difficulty.

Could, Was Able to, Managed to: Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences with the correct form of “could,” “was/were able to,” or “managed to.”

  1. When she was younger, she ___ speak three languages fluently.
  2. It was a tough exam, but I ___ pass it after studying hard.
  3. The team ___ win the game, even though they were losing at halftime.
  4. He ___ solve the math problem because he remembered the formula.
  5. We ___ see the fireworks from our balcony last night.
  6. Despite the heavy rain, they ___ finish the race.
  7. I ___ swim across the lake when I was a teenager.
  8. After several attempts, he finally ___ fix the computer.
  9. They ___ escape the building before the fire spread.
  10. She ___ read when she was just four years old.


  1. could
  2. managed to
  3. managed to
  4. was able to
  5. could
  6. managed to
  7. could
  8. managed to
  9. were able to
  10. could

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Option

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence: “could,” “was/were able to,” or “managed to.”

  1. She ___ (could/was able to/managed to) run a marathon when she was 20.
  2. I ___ (could/was able to/managed to) open the jar after trying for several minutes.
  3. They ___ (could/were able to/managed to) finish the project on time, despite all the problems.
  4. He ___ (could/was able to/managed to) ride a bike when he was five years old.
  5. After the storm, we ___ (could/were able to/managed to) find our way back to the campsite.


  1. could
  2. managed to
  3. managed to
  4. could
  5. were able to

Exercise 3: Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the sentences using “could,” “was/were able to,” or “managed to.”

  1. It was very windy, but they succeeded in setting up the tent.

    Rewrite: Despite the wind, they ___ set up the tent.

  2. She knew how to play the guitar when she was 10.

    Rewrite: She ___ play the guitar when she was 10.

  3. After practicing a lot, he succeeded in speaking fluent French.

    Rewrite: After practicing a lot, he ___ speak fluent French.

  4. I had the ability to solve puzzles easily when I was a child.

    Rewrite: I ___ solve puzzles easily when I was a child.

  5. Even though the store was crowded, we succeeded in buying the tickets.

    Rewrite: Even though the store was crowded, we ___ buy the tickets.


  1. managed to
  2. could
  3. managed to
  4. could
  5. managed to

Exercise 4: Correct the Errors

Identify and correct the errors in these sentences related to the use of “could,” “was able to,” and “managed to.”

  1. She could passed the test after studying all night.
    Correction: She managed to pass the test after studying all night.
  2. When I was a kid, I managed to ride a bike.
    Correction: When I was a kid, I could ride a bike.
  3. He was able to swim when he was only three years old.
    Correction: He could swim when he was only three years old.
  4. They could finish the project on time, despite all the challenges.
    Correction: They managed to finish the project on time, despite all the challenges.
  5. She managed to play the piano well when she was young.
    Correction: She could play the piano well when she was young.


These exercises help you practice the different uses of “could,” “was able to,” and “managed to” to express ability and success in English. By understanding and practicing these nuances, you’ll improve your accuracy in describing past abilities and achievements.

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