Christmas – ESL Conversation Questions [PDF]

Christmas ESL Conversation Questions

Whether you have been learning English as an additional language or you are an English teacher, practicing or teaching speaking skills can be a challenge. That is why we created this list of ESL conversation questions about Christmas. Use this list to master (or help your students master) talking about it right now.

Christmas – ESL Conversation Questions

  • Do you like Christmas?
  • How did you celebrate last Christmas?
  • How will you celebrate Christmas this year?
  • Does your family celebrate Christmas together?
  • What was your most special Christmas ever? How did you celebrate it?
  • What would be your perfect Christmas?
  • Have you ever spent Christmas time abroad? If so, how was it?
  • How do people usually celebrate Christmas in your country?
  • Do you know different cultures which celebrate Christmas differently? If so, how do they celebrate it?
  • Do you know the history of Christmas celebrations?
  • Do you believe in Santa Claus? Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?
  • Have you ever written Santa Claus a letter? If so, what did you write in it?
  • What was the most special Christmas present you have ever gotten?
  • Do you think people change their behavior during Christmas time? If so, how?
  • Are there religions that do not celebrate Christmas? Which ones?
  • Does your family set up a Christmas tree at home?
  • How do you decorate your house for Christmas?
  • What songs come to your mind when you think of Christmas?
  • Does your school have special arrangements for Christmas?
  • Does your workplace have special arrangements for Christmas?
  • Will you buy Christmas presents for family and friends this year?
  • What was the most expensive Christmas present you have ever given to someone? What was it? Who was it for?
  • Do you usually write Christmas cards?
  • Do you receive a lot of Christmas cards?
  • When you think about Christmas, what type of weather comes to your mind? Why?
  • What is the weather like in your country during Christmas time?
  • What movies about Christmas have you watched recently?
  • What is your favorite Christmas movie?
  • Do you celebrate Christmas the same way you celebrate New Year’s Day? Why (not)?
  • What does your family usually eat at Christmas?
  • What does your family usually drink at Christmas?
  • What does your family usually do at Christmas?
  • Do you always buy new clothes to wear at Christmas?
  • What is your favorite Christmas carol?
  • Does your family keep everyone’s presents under your Christmas tree before you open them?
  • Have you ever celebrated Christmas away from your family? If so, how was it?
  • What does Christmas time mean to you?
  • How do you think Christmas has been influenced by capitalism through the years?

Christmas – ESL Conversation Questions [PDF]

If you want to download these Christmas – ESL Conversation Questions in PDF, click here: Christmas – ESL Conversation Questions.

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